Phiero Notte
Perfume with pheromones for men
Phiero notte is a perfume with pheromones for men integrated by a very powerful pheromone that along with a combination of soft and masculine scents with mint touches and green refinements that will increase the sexual desire.
Experimeent the Phiero Notte effect:
Feel atractive
Gain self-confidence for flirting
Increase the sexual desire

Phiero Notte description:
Phiero Notte is a fresh perfume with pheromones for men elaborated from a very strong masculine pheromone (Androsterone) Its dominant touches of green mint, lavender and rosemary create a fragrance full of freshness and vitality.
P. Notte’s Technical specifications:
- Type of perfume: Perfume with pheromones for men
- Sex oriented perfrume: Pheromones for men
- Creation year: 2004
- Fragrance family: Green mint
- Scent: Fragrance with green refinements, lavander and Rosemary
- Tamaño: 30ml
- Distribution format: Atomizer
- Ingredients: Androsterone, Essential oils, Wildlife fragrances, Glycol
The pheromones are chemical substances that our body segregates naturally aiming to trigger sexual responses. The perfume with pheromones for men Phiero Notte reproduces with high fidelity this scents to increase the self-confidence and the sex appeal.

It is a powerful pheromone derived of testosterone that is found in the human body. It generates the sensation of alpha male, dominant and self-confident. The perception of the Androsterone is genetic matter, therefore there exist persons inclined to feel more attracted to this pheromone’s secretors than for others.

Perfumes with pheromones for men
Phiero premium is a masculine perfume intergraded by 3 different pheromones and with perfect combination of woodsy scents with touches of pink pepper that will make you more attractive and powerful in front of everyone.
Roll On with pheromones for men
It is a juvenile and refreshing perfume to bring everyone with 3 different and powerful pheromones to activate and enhance the appeal and seduction. Woodsy based fragrance with slight touches of black pepper.